Haf been on phone chat wif Kenny last nite… Just sum casual ones… Time to noe more about others. Another amazing person. (^.^)

Haf been on a ‘bo charp’ attitutes or moods throughout these few years. Towards frends, towards life, towards wateva i shouldn’t or dun need to noe. And sleeping becomes so important tat i just throw eveything out of mind, put them aside when i’m lack of sleep. Haf been making noises when ppl wake me up frm unpleasant noises, trying to play a fool wif me… They sure ganna one. Just tat i haven bang my door, throw things at ppl yet. Dun let me do so… And i won’t feel sorry.

Din hear my alarm clocks (3 actually) go off. So wake up a bit late, veri tight time to wash up. Today is my last day. Supposely to be a happy day, but sumthing terrible happen. My colleague, Asnani, charges her handphone under a table, counter 7 for outpatient. She left it hidden in a box, and then, gone missing. She is so sad about that. Partly becoz she lost something, but the main issue is she noe the ‘theif’ is within our own colleagues. This is not the first time such theft incidents happened. Just feel so disappointed wif the own staff.

Tini and Ana (shif leader from south entrance) went to the security office to view the video tape. Though the camera doesn’t directly face the counter 7, but Ana told me she roughly noe who is the one who take it. It’s our ppl!!! I din go on to ask, coz i dun want too much info to leak out, just hope tat the theif can be caught red-handed.

Therefore, part of my day is spoilt. But manage to take photos wif the rest of my colleagues. We will haf more chances on the next gathering day…

Ana oso ask me whehter wanna go rafting in malaysia. I agree wif her. She has lobang for tat, a tour agency in malaysia. But i told her i will be available in may to june like tat. She is sending me a quotation, keeping me in contact. Well… Anyone interested in this oso? Accompany me… Provided u r ‘ON’ ones.

Then, my dad fetch me to collect the samsung phone i reserve for my sister. Wat the fucking hell is tat… I need to wait for at least 3 to 4 hrs in order to be served. Goodness gracious. It’s alreadi 9pm when i reach and then more waiting hours? I have a whole 100 customers in front of my queue. Sian… Drop out halfway and promise to collect it for my sister tml when the shop starts its operating.

I doubt i will be sleeping early tonight. Haf been trying to contact HIM. He rang me at 5:10:31pm. I did hear it, but too many crowds to serve. Din pick up the phone. Damn it… And i can’t find him now. We promise to go shopping de…