My mask for next saturday birthday party!
Category: Blog
Man Vending Machine
We should have this instead of Dating Agency.
I handmade a L-shaped kaleidoscope with my dad’s help. It’s for a school assignment. This kaleidoscope can see multiple angles of a same view. Doesn’t need to make much sense, just play with it by looking through the environment around you.
It’s been a long time i really slack. Spend the entire day with Lester. Nice day + good day + lovely day. Lubz~
Old Medical Checkup Slip
Nokia Remix 2008: Music Party
Attended a music party organised by Nokia at Red Dot Museum with Lester. Beri beri cool, except that we are bored down by the local bands. No offence, but we like more pop than indie style.
The most hito comes only towards the end, Lifehouse’s performance is awesome. It’s like a mini concert. Pictures have been uploaded to my facebook, but i just like to post some photos of Lifehouse. You know, you are really that close and the lead singer is super yandao…
Hook onto 溏心風暴之家好月圓 the past few days. I like the 插曲 by 林峰.
Programmer vs Designer
A Day In Botanic Garden
最近在朋友的介绍下在台湾的拍卖网页上买了几件衣服。虽然衣服还没到,可是我已等不及了。网页上那令郎满目的服饰,足已让我幻想置身在台湾了。我只想做一做 research,看那里可以让我血拼,又被引诱到购物网站上。台湾人真是的,普普通通的衣服干吗要花这么多心思拍照设计产品呢。明明就是以引人犯罪吗~
P/S: 好怀念长头发的样子~