Lester and I have a boutique opening at IMM. I dunno what i am selling though but the shop is weirdly decorated with black and devil red. Guests-of-honors are from the hei she hui, all well-dressed with thick fur coat.
I remembered asking Lester to check out the radiator, making sure the temperature is alright for our guests while i go home to prepare dinner for suqin and serene (their birthday celebration). Lester, in the shop, recognises his cousin who he hasn’t met for long and followed him to the back door, leading to a staircase. There he finds his elder brother and his cousin leaving the function through this stairs. But before he can response, they turn and walk back towards his direction, leaving him alone in the staircase. Lots of policemen running upwards. He is mistakenly shot by the policemen.
On my side, all my friends did not turn up for the birthday that i have scheduled. But i waited patiently. A phone call, from Lester’s buddy, breaking his death news to me instead. I believe i am too lost at that instance, i don’t really know how to cry.
The next scene has brought me into my bedroom the next day, where suqin, laily and serene all gathered in my room. I started to question them, “Why you all are not there with me yesterday?” (as in the birthday). Then i break the death news to them. I realise i can’t hold my tears anymore.
I wake up with fright from this dream, realising i am at Lester’s house sleeping beside him. I am probably too confused with what’s real and what’s not but i woke him up and started crying. It takes me sometime before i am really calmed. But the feeling of being parted still sustain in my brain.