There are several first times within these few months of Year 2008.
My desktop is totally down, as i have yet to find out whether the hardware or software has caused it to reboot and unbootable at times. I am totally dependent on my sister’s laptop. Yes… A very portable device. What i cannot stand is the batt duration. 95% charged can only last 1:48hours and it flats real quickly when in use. Don’t buy Acer laptop!!!
I skipped my usual CNY house visiting this year, just because i need to go to library for Asian Art History presentation in the coming week. I definitely missed a lot, especially on the hongbaos. But i’m glad my parents are forgiving. This privilege will not come by if i am in my younger days.
I missed this year poly’s steamboat at Serene’s house. Something that i would not have ever done. To the people, i will come next year…
I decided to check out new printing shop at Queensway Shopping Centre. Ultra Supplies dominating the 3rd level has a sister company doing just photocopying and binding. The most beneficial things are: they are nearer (compared to traveling to Gear’s shop), and they open till 10pm on weekdays, 9pm on weekends (this includes the Sundays and Public Holidays). I have only visited twice, still holding mix feelings about this shop.
They have like 10 sales people at the counter serving, therefore, they can really do things fast fast fast fast fast fast fast for you. But the staff are mainly foreigners (PRC and Indians), i am scare if they don’t get what i want to convey. While in Gear’s shop, they give professional advises, like paper type you can use. This is exceptionally helpful when Chan last visited Gear’s shop, doing printing on my behalf. They helped him with the choice of paper while i was in school rushing for assignments.
Ironically, when i approach one sales staff today, he tells me he is busy at the moment. I am puzzle and i stand there thinking: so you are not going to serve me? That is the boldest attempt to tell your customer, i would think. One of the printout doesn’t come out nicely, with some printing lines. Without 2nd question asked, he reprinted for me. Weirdly, it cost only $5 while exactly the same size i printed on Sunday cost $6. And i am not used to the price they mention is before GST. You ended paying some coins…
The very first time i feel damn tongue tied during presentations. I am not scare, just that i cannot convey what is in my mind and carry on rattling on things that only i understand but not the others. I probably need to practice my speech!!!
Today i rework my Experimental Typography Poster and i’m very grateful to have 2 of my most important men: my dad and Lester, to help me. Somehow i feel they are totally supportive with the rubbish i do. Hope this will carry on till i grow old. Bleah…
I drew something today in ADM! This is moi~